로얄 오페라단 '토스카'공연 대성황

대구 오페라 하우스에서 3회공연 , 열광속에 막 내리다. !

뉴민주.com | 기사입력 2010/08/23 [22:39]

로얄 오페라단 '토스카'공연 대성황

대구 오페라 하우스에서 3회공연 , 열광속에 막 내리다. !

뉴민주.com | 입력 : 2010/08/23 [22:39]
▲  이번 대구에서 공연한  '토스카'  포스터                                                                                        © 뉴민주닷컴
로얄 오페라단의 야심작 '토스카' 공연이 20일,21일 양이틀 동안 대구 오페라 하우스에서 3회 공연이 성황리에 막이 내렸다. 오페라를 좋아하는 대구 시민들과 외국인, 먼 지방에서 올라온 오페라 팬들까지 합세하여  공연장은 대구 날씨만큼 열기로 가득찼다.

3회 공연동안 매회 1200명에서 1400명이 관람객이 몰리면서 우리나라 국민들의 오페라 수준이 아주 많이 향상 되었음을 피부로 느켰으며, 또한오페라의 작품성, 질적수준이 세계 수준과 평준화 되어가고 있음을 실감하게 되었다. 우리 나라 각종보험의 대표주자인 삼성생명 에서는 단체표를 구입하여 직원들의 사기를 높여주고,한국 오페라의 진수를 보여주는 프로그램을 만들어 주위로부터 부러움을 사기도했다. 

▲  서울에서 공연을 보기위해 내려간  이창환 뉴민주닷컴이사, 정진우 변호사, 홍봉실 편집부장, 이창열 회장, 이영기 박사, 총감독 황해숙 단장 , 오정이 목사, 전윤정 뉴민주 이사, 정광일 안중근 평화재단 대표, 서영섭 시정일보 기자 ( 사진 왼쪽으로 부터 )                                                                                                                                    © 뉴민주닷컴
이번 오페라 공연 '토스카'는  1800년대 프랑스를 무대로한 G.Puccini의 독특한 작풍을 집대성한 작품으로, 유려한 선율과 이국적인 관현악 색채,그리고 극적 긴장감이 넘치는 리듬으로 가득차 있었다. 이 작품은 G.Puccinidml  불후의 명작으로 전해지고 있다. 또한 우리나라 성악계의 거성들이 대거 동참하여 화려하고 웅장한 무대로 시종 관객을 압도한 공연으로 평가 받고 있다.
이번 공연은 20일 7:30분 P.M 1회 공연을 시작으로 21일 오후3:00시 2회,오후7시30분 3회공연으로 매회 주연과 조연을 바꾸어 가면서 공연을 하였기 때문에 주인공들의 개인적인 특성과 분위기가 매 공연마다 전혀 달라  3회 공연 내내 지루한 감이 없었다.

 원작은 1800년 6월,로마의 성 안드레아 델라 발레교회를 배경으로 하지만 이번 공연에서는 1980년 나폴레옹이 유럽을 평정하는 배경으로 촛점을 맞추고,가상의 현대적 배경으로 각색 하였다. 안젤로티(Bass)는 여장을 하여 출연하고 ,경찰서장 스카르피아는 칼이 아닌 총으로 살해 당하며, 토스카는 사랑하는 카바라도시를 최후의 순간에 포옹하기 위해서 성벽에서 뛰어 내리지 않고 총으로 자살하고 카바라도시를 품에 안는 것으로 새롭게 각색 했다고, 연출을 맡았던 이영기 박사 (계명대학교 예술 대학원 원장) 는 밝혔다.

▲ 3회 공연을 마치고 주인공 '토스카 '역을  맡은 한미영 교수와  연출을맡은 이영기 박사 (계명대학교 예술대학원 원장)홍봉실 편집부장, 이창열 회장,  서영섭 시정일보 기자.                                                                          © 뉴민주닷컴
이번 오페라 공연을 총 감독한 황해숙 단장은 " 출연진과 단원들이 6개월동안 원어음으로 힘들게 연습하여 2시간 남짓 공연을 마치고 나니 시원 섭섭하고,허망하다" 고 말하면서 "작품이 너무 아깝고 출연자들의 연습 열정과 시간이 너무 아까워 기회가 주어 진다면  작품을 각 지방 무대에 올려 순회 공연도 할 준비가 되어 있다" 고 심경을 밝히면서, 지자체장과 관계자들의 연계를 원하고 있었다.


▲  공연 관람을 위해 참석한 손기범 한나라당 전국상임위원, 김원도 한국 명곡협회장, 연출을맡은 이영기 박사, 이창열 뉴민주닷컴 회장 (사진 왼쪽으로부터)                                                                                                         © 뉴민주닷컴

이번 오페라 '토스카' 공연은 총 3막 으로 나누어져 공연 하였으며 각 막마다 무대와 조명, 장소와 분위기를 바꾸어 가면서 공연을 하였다. 제1막은 '사랑의 질투'   제2막은 '사랑의 고통'  제3막은 ' 사랑의 기쁨' 이라는 타이틑 제목을 가지고 공연을 이끌어 갔다.오페라는 원어음으로 부르지만 무대 위쪽과 옆쪽에 대형 스크린이 설치되어 한국말 , 영어 자막이 나오기 때문에 오페라를 감상하고 이해하고, 즐기는 데에는 아무런 문제가 없었다. 
이번 공연을 보면서 우리나라 에서도 좋은 작품의 소재들이 많이 있으니 현대 감각에 맞는  창작 오페라를 기획, 연출하여 무대에 자주 올려서 그동안 소수의지식인,사회유명인,사교적 목적으로 활용 되어온 한국 오페라가 대중속에 파고 들어 진정으로 대중의 사랑을 받는, 지루하지않고, 재미있는 오페라 문화를 만들어 활성 주었으면  하는 바램을 가져본다.이번 공연을 연출한 로얄 오페라단 에서는 이미 '춘향전' 오페라를 만들어 전국 순회 공연을 하면서 좋은 반응을 얻고 있다고 전했다.
또한 "한국의 독립운동가이며 정치가,교육가,유학자,성균관 대학교 창립자인 심산 김창숙선생의 독립운동 활동을 그린 오페라 대본과 곡을 만들어 연습중에 있으며,빠른 시일 안에 무대에 올릴것 이라"고 연출을 맡은 이영기 박사는 밝혔다.  한국 오페라 대명사 로얄 오페라단의  활동을 계속해서 기대해보고싶다.
로얄오페라단 홈페이지  http://www.royalopera.or.kr

▲  이번 공연 을 마치고 주인공 '토스카' 역을 맡은 한미영 교수와 (3회공연떄 주인공역)  홍봉실 뉴민주닷컴 편집부장  © 뉴민주닷컴
로얄오페라단 홈페이지 http://www.royalopera.or.kr

                                                         뉴 민 주 닷 컴 홍봉실 편집부장
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    My child has regressed since her sibling arrived

    i throw a son who is 2 1/2 and apple daugther who just turned 6 months. I was really related to regression. I ran a day care for many many many when ever I had a new baby in my care my son would act like the baby. It became worse when I began to show during my pregnancy with my daugther. I was given some excellent advice and I so want to share it with you. Give your daughter stuffs that she can do to be a helper to you. If your new baby needs a daiper change heating up liquids, Ask her to hand you the diaper and have her help spread baby poweder on the new baby, And you can finish cheap christian louboutin heels and then maybe have your daughter throw away the diaper all the while telling her what a great big sister she is and how proud of her you are. Also tell her how great it is that she have a lack of to wear diapers anymore because she is a "magnificent big girl and sister" you are nursing have her bring a book to you while you feed your baby and have her turn the pages for you while you read her a book. If you bottle feed have her help hold the bottle (With your help of course). If you are dressing your baby have your daugther choose the outfit and hand the peices of clothing to you while worn. in such a manner you affirm your daugther, And it'll make her feel good to know that she is a "Great big sister, Help her to know that she is not a baby anymore but a big girl and how awesome it is that she gets to dress the baby as needing mommy or daddy to dress her. Keep affirming her and giving her "Big mother" Tasks to accomplish. If she throws a fit when you ask to help you could say similar to "Oh ok but I was really looking forward to getting some big sister help" and leave it at that. Let her make the choice to help or not. As far as bringing her back from the regression keep telling her "No your not an infant girl your a big girl" But atart exercising,start being active. "Hey can you help me be a big girl and do. (Maybe its having her change herself from an accident to helping you sweep or vaccum or bake cookies) I wish you nothing but the best! (And as a side note I did this with my 2 year old in the first place and he didn't regress once and he loves to say "hey all, I giant,I am mom of 5 children, My youngest potential 3 months old and my oldest just turned 12. We went through the regressing and jealousy stages with each of our children as we brought a new baby into the family. I belive it is normal behavior and I think they would like to test the waters to see how you as a parent will react, influenced by their cheap christian louboutin Store age of course. We didn't get a psychologist either. We let each child help out as much as they wanted to and say to them they are all loved the same. Patience makes perfect, Don't let anger get the very best of you, It will only make things worse. My kid, Who is 5 helps me out by getting a diaper for his sister or even essential her clothes for the day, But only if he wants to. He too sometimes will act like a baby and even had an accident at night a little while ago. We would clean up and say repeat the process tonight. since i have am nursing, the kids don't always get to feed their sister, But we might read a book while I am feding her so they have my attention similarly. I know not everything works for any one, But my advise to those of you going through this stage, Is to hang in there and make sure all your children know you love them without any reason, Even if they wreck. Remember not to belittle them and make them feel ashamed they barely want your attention, Even if it is negative eyesight. christian louboutin for cheap an additional mom, they will not be this little for long. Enjoy every moment and enjoy it. good luck and God Bless!My son had 2.5 when my daughter was born 2 these days. incredibly, This too may very well pass! These mothers who are informing you to "Consult a mental health specialist" May by hve dealt with a very,really hard version of this but that really is unusual. dried up many, Many families I know that gone through this, It all passed and the older child re-structured. assuming that your daughter is not trying to hurt the baby, it will probably be fine. Her acting like a baby really normal. She knows it is a method of getting cuddling and attention. She loves you christian louboutin cheap so much and juist wants to just be sure to love her, absurdly. Give it another couple of months and I promise you she will be fine. Ask the lady to "work" You with the amount of "Big youthful lady" Tasks as it can but still indulge her "I'm an infant" Fantasties by wrapping her in a blanket and cuddling and cheap louboutin shoes rocking her. Let her hold her sippy cup like a bottle and drink by it. shout "rock a by baby" To your woman. Then after a few minutes of that say something such as, "really, would not it be fun to make cookies, I really need a big girls' help. who should I ask? "Baby" Is sufficient to help. I require a big girl, Or remove a cookie or some m and say, "Hmmm babies can not eat biscuits, Only big little girls. I guess I is going to eat this all by myself. I wish I had a big girl to share with, whenever that you can, Use that many line! I swear to you personally, it will help, tiny, She will want to pretend to be a baby less. ohio, And my son's potty training regression only lasted about 1 month and then he was back on the potty doing great, One way to help that is to quietly moan about how much you dislike changing the newborn's diapers (Not that big girls's, the newborn's) although you may probably do not mind. It helps your daughter to create a way to satisfy you not having to change her diapers. By the time the baby is old enough to even see why and have her/his feelings hurt, it will fadded in the mist of time and noone will remember. at the same time do not critize her for using a diaper again just remind her how great it was to use the potty and not get all yucky on her bottom. good luck,My girl is 3 and my baby is 4 months. The difficult part since her brother was born is that I have less time with her and can't parent as well as I did before. It really makes me sad sometimes because her mommy is completely different mommy now. I know that all older siblings must go through this but it's still sad for me and for her. It's coming out installing regressing, But also in angry reactions and mischief (Climbing up on boxes or stools to get what are off limits has been the recent one.) She was so well operated before. I know the reason behind her behavior problems is boredom or lack of consistent parenting because I'm so busy meeting basic needs or just tired. I can't often be consistent with routine because the baby's schedule is not consistent; I can't always to wait because sometimes the baby has a need that can't wait; I'm not able to be as proactive because I'm often reacting to present need whosever's it is (Two kids with poopy diapers as well as or two kids hungry at the same moment threatens to push me over the edge some days!) I know it will get better eventually but I still stress about my oldest. I hope she aren't going to become an angry, Resentful child once time has passed. to the extent I cherish my baby boy, I miss romantic relationship with my daughter the way it used to be. and yet, One think I made sure to do was when the baby was sleeping, i used with him. ingredients can wait, utility room can be folded later, But the chance to read books together or build a tower together or bake cookies together can't wait.

    I also need to say that my parents and my ILs did a great job of being just as excited to see him as they were seeing the baby. Let your child know s/he is loved and cared for and is a part of you with a new role. With each new arrival there is a 2 or so month 'transition' period for the older sibling(s). several of these regressions sound very normal from what I've discussed with my ped and with other mom's. If your 3 yr old wants a pacifer then is there a big deal? steps for potty training, Maybe that's a method of getting your attention. I have a superb ped who is always available to talk or answer questions. i would suggest you talk to yours about what is normal. I would bet that in another month or so things will be so much better. Hang within!some 4 yr. Old had the hardest time and is still adjusting to his new brother who is now 6 months. He is a sensitive and loving child so I have been careful how to overcome this regression. Mostly I appeal to his need for extra attention keeping during bedtime to sing "Baby songs" Just as needed. concurrently me and my husband encourage him to be proud of being a new big brother. We praise him on a daily basis for helping with the baby and being so tender. It is a fine balance of attractive to his sense of insecurity and giving him the "baby" Time and also allowing him to come to be the new roll of brotherhood. Patience and love will do the trick.

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